KOAK 152053Z 28008KT 10SM FEW250 18/12 A3001I used to be able to decode these in my sleep, but now's as good a time as any to practice. So, what's this saying?
RMK AO2 SLP163 T01830117 58013 $
KOAK = Oakland Int'l Airport
152053Z = As of 11/15 2053Z (1253 PST)
28008KT = Winds from the west (280) at 8 knots (about 9 MPH)
10SM = Ten statute miles visibility
FEW250 = Few clouds at 25,000
18/12 = Temperature and dew point in Celsius
A3001 = Altimeter setting 30.01
RMK A02* = Automated observation station with precipitation discriminator
SLP163* = Sea Level Pressure in tens, units and decimals in hectopascals, so 1016.3 hectopascals (Corrected thanks to Aviatrix)
TO1830117* = Dew Point and temperature greater than 0C, Temp is 18.3C and Dew Point is 11.7C. If it said T11831117 it would be -18.3C and -11.C for temp/dew point
58013* = Pressure tendency 8=Steady or increasing, then decreasing; or decreasing then decreasing more rapidly, so pressure is lower than 3 hours ago by 013 tenths of a hectopascal (or .013)
$* = Station is due for maintenance
So, pressure is decreasing, but the temperature is nice, there's a few clouds at 25,000 feet and the winds are pretty quiet. In other words, a perfect time to go flying.
By the way, if I screwed up translating this, pilots, let me know :).
* I had to look these up.
Sea level pressure is 1016.3 hPa. If the leading digit is 7-9, add a preceding 9, else start with a 10. The only way you know is that 916 is just too low to be a believable SLP.
The stuff after the SLP doesn't appear on Canadian METARs, so I can't verify it for you.
Awesome, thanks :)
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